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    Friday, 02 July 2021 15:20


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    On September 1, 2020, a surprise question was asked to me by Sara Puluhen, a 7-year-old girl, who wanted to prepare herself to receive the sacrament of Baptism. I clarify that her parents are practising, but each in their own religion. Actually, the mother is Muslim and the father is Catholic. Although they are of different religions, they are helping the sisters of the Franciscan Missionaries of the Sacred Heart, for 10 years.

    Sara is a very smart girl and very interested in religious topics. We then began the preparation and at the end of October 2020, during a very moving celebration, solemnly entered the catechumenate of the parish of St Aldric - Le Mans (France).

    Despite covid 19, we have made the meetings with commitment twice a week. We had three meetings with the parish priest, Father Hervé-Marie Cotten. Every Saturday, the parents were present to accompany her, because they are very respectful of the choice of the daughter and so involved in her education. For this purpose, we had a day of retreat with parents, godmother, godfather and witness.

    Also because of covid 19, the Baptism that was scheduled for 11 April 2021 was postponed for 30 May, the Solemnity of the Most Holy Trinity. Sara was looking forward to that day. On Saturday morning, May 29, we had for the first time a time of prayer and adoration before the Blessed Sacrament. Sara was ecstatic before the mystery of Jesus in the consecrated Host; on her knees she adored Him and made her personal prayer in silence and with joy.

    Finally, the day so desired, arrived: Sunday, May 30, 2021, in the presence of her family, her friends and the parish assembly, Sara became «the favourite daughter of the Father, the favourite baptised of Jesus and a ray of light of the Holy Spirit» according to her own words.

    The photos are evidence of this important stage in the life of Sara and her family. I give thanks to God for giving me the joy of accompanying her in the knowledge of the Lord and of her entry into the Church.

    Sister Marie Armelle Kosta
    Province «San Luigi IX»


    Read 161 times Last modified on Thursday, 15 July 2021 22:13

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