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    Tuesday, 12 October 2021 14:02

    CANTICLE OF CREATURES of the Province Mary Immaculate

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    We publish "The Canticle of Creatures" of the sisters of the Province of Mary Immaculate, poured from our heart, to raise a deep hymn of thanksgiving.

    With immense love we have considered the work of God from the very first steps that our Province has taken in the far distant 1949 in the extreme periphery of Rome, a place of mission that awaited the proclamation of the Gospel through loving care for children in difficulty, then through the educational work to which many sisters gave life with professionality and with an exemplary life inspired by the Franciscan charism.

    From the first group of Centocelle, it was then opened to other realities of the Regions of Central Italy until it threw the nets off the Ocean and landed in the Philippines and later, in response to the appeal of Pope John Paul II, in the nearby mission of Albania.

    Everywhere the longing is to bring Jesus, his redemptive love to suffering, poor, fragile humanity, in need of the meaning of life and of God.


    Roman Province "Mary Immaculate”


    Thus the sisters of the Roman Province sing their praises to the Lord:

    Be praised my Lord for the Province Mary Immaculate,
    in Rome you founded her,
    land of saints and fragrant martyrs;
    a glorious past you gave her,
    zealous, generous and fervent missionaries you have formed
    and to far lands you sent them.

    Be praised also for the present time,
    the glory perhaps is a little lacking
    but still fervent the mission:
    elderly and sick sisters to be cared for,
    children to guard, defend and love,
    young people, students to instruct, to guide, to educate and to form,
    elderly people to welcome and accompany
    with joy and love to the encounter with the Lord.

    My Lord, I want to praise you also for the difficulties
    on our journey which are so many,
    but, accepted with faith and willingness,
    Your missionaries can overcome them in fidelity.

    Be praised my Lord for the fire of mission
    alive in every situation.
    In the Philippines and Albania you sent us,
    the Gospel of Jesus to proclaim,
    the poor to console and embrace,
    all to love and bring to your Heart.

    Be praised, my Lord, for the suffering members of our communities,
    for the sisters who serve them with true charity,
    They lift them up, console them, and care for them with great availability.

    Oh, praised ye Lord for your immense goodness,
    you who have pity on our frailties,
    You alone can lead us all to holiness,

    O my Lord, be praised
    for all the sisters who know how to console:
    with silence, prayer and a sincere smile.
    They truly give peace of heart.

    O Lord, you are praised
    because you gave them to us!
    Praise and thanks be to you, my Lord
    for the young sisters who give joy to our hearts:
    They serve, they pray, they proclaim the Gospel to those who are near and far;
    they want to remain in fidelity to the charism
    and to bear witness to the whole world of the love of the Lord

    Praised be ye my Lord
    for the field of our Province
    where you have sown with great generosity,
    consecrated souls who serve and love you
    in silence and humility.

    How great are these souls, my God!
    Give us the grace to keep us all in unity
    So that we can praise you for eternity.


    Read 215 times Last modified on Tuesday, 12 October 2021 14:06

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