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    Tuesday, 03 August 2021 17:11

    "THE JOY OF BELIEVING IN THE LORD" - 500 years of Christianity in the Philippines

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    The Filipino people celebrate 500 years of evangelization. The present celebrations were postponed until Easter 2022 because of the pandemic.

    The theme of the Jubilee celebrations in the Asian country is "Gifted to give", which recalls the evangelical phrase "Freely you have received, freely give".

    At the Holy Mass in St Peter’s for the 500 years of the evangelization of the Philippines, the Holy Father on Sunday, March 14, 2021 thanks the Catholics of the Asian country, third in number in the world, for the joy with which they bring their faith throughout the world into the everyday life of their work: "This is a 'blessed sickness', keep it".

    Of family and faith, understood as a gift, speaks instead Monsignor Romulo Geolina Valles, president of the Episcopal Conference of the Philippines:

    "For us it is a joy: this is a special year for us, a joy that comes from the heart, a joy because we believe, thanks to the faith that was given to us for the first time 500 years ago: faith is a gift of God. And so we are happy with this special Jubilee Year. We are happy because faith has given meaning to life: faith, in fact, helps us navigate the journey of life. Moreover, I would like to add, it is not only a faith lived in one’s own self; it is a faith lived in families. And this is so beautiful... In guarding our faith, we are helped not only by individuals but by families. I would like to say this in the words that Pope Francis would use: we are the witnesses of faith in Jesus, and we are so when we show the joy of believing. Believing and entrusting our life to Jesus gives us joy. Life is difficult, especially in a country like ours, but faith helps us to be strong, confident despite all the storms of life. Thanks to faith we have more confidence: we know that the Lord is with us. That is why we celebrate this Special Year full of joy, the joy of being in the Lord, the joy of believing in the Lord."

    Thanks for the gift of faith. The nine years of preparation for the Jubilee began in 2013 and were destined to end in 2021, when the Philippines celebrates 500 years of evangelization. Because it was in 1521 that, on the island of Cebu, Raja Humabon, Hara Humumay and 800 Filipinos were baptized, thus marking the beginning of a great history of evangelization. Magellan converted the Rajah of the island starting Christianity in the Philippines». Filipino religiosity has given rise to devotions that are strongly felt by the people. Among all, the devotion to the Saint Niño, originated from a statue of the child Jesus donated by Magellan to the local lord who had converted and which is preserved in the homonymous basilica in Cebu».

    «It was 1521 when Magellan, in his circumnavigation expedition of the globe, arrived in the Philippines, in particular in the island of Cebu. According to the story of Pigafetta, Magellan converted the Rajah of the island starting Christianity in the Philippines».

    It seems that, in the celebration of its 500th anniversary, the Philippines are called to evangelize the world. In 2013, Cardinal Luis Antonio Tagle began preparing for nine years as Archbishop of Manila and celebrates today, together with the Pope, as Prefect of the Congregation for the Evangelization of Peoples.

    Launching the nine years of preparation, the bishops of the Philippines asked "in the face of secularism which has itself become a sort of dominant religion in some parts of our world, in the face of the reality of billions living today without having met Christ or heard the Gospel, how much we are led to enter into the task of the new evangelization?"

    Each year of preparation had a specific theme: in 2013 it was "Integral Formation to the Faith", in 2014 "Laicity", in 2015 "The Poor", in 2016 "Eucharist and family", in 2017 "The parish as a communion of community", in 2018 "The clergy and religious" and in 2019 "Young people", in 2020 Ecumenism and interreligious dialogue, in 2021 "Missio ad gentes".

    Thanks to the Filipino people, witness to the joy of the Gospel

    The Holy Mass celebrated by the Pope on 14 March in St Peter’s was a feast of faith and joy, concelebrated by Cardinal Luis Antonio Tagle, Prefect of the Congregation for the Evangelization of Peoples and Cardinal Angelo De Donatis, Vicar for the Diocese of Rome, 50 Filipino communities live there. In his homily the Holy Father said: Dear brothers and sisters, you have received the joy of the Gospel: that God loved us so much that he gave His Son for us. And this joy is seen in your people, it is seen in your eyes, in your faces, in your songs and in your prayers". In addition, he wanted to say "thank you" to the Filipinos and Philippines for "the joy you bring in your faith", so much so as to call them "smugglers of the faith", to spread it everywhere, as a "good disease".

    "I want to thank you - he continued - for the joy you bring to the whole world and to the Christian communities. I think of many beautiful experiences in Roman families - but it is so throughout the world -, where your discreet and laborious presence has also been able to bear witness to faith. In the style of Mary and Joseph: God loves to bring the joy of faith with humble and hidden, courageous and persevering service.

    And on this very important anniversary for the holy people of God in the Philippines, I also want to urge you not to stop the work of evangelization - which is not proselytism. That Christian proclamation that you have received is always to be brought to others; the gospel of God’s closeness asks to be expressed in love for your brothers and sisters; God’s desire that no one be lost asks the Church to take care of those who are wounded and live on the margins. If God loves so much that he gives himself to us, the Church too has this mission: she is not sent to judge, but to receive; not to impose but to sow; not to condemn but to bring Christ who is salvation".

    "With your joy - he concluded - you can make sure that the Church is also said: "he so loved the world!". A Church that loves the world without judging it and that gives itself to the world is beautiful and attractive. May it be so, in the Philippines and in every part of the earth".

    Before the conclusion, Card. Tagle, representing all the Filipino migrants, thanked the Pontiff for his participation in the celebration: "We bring you here the filial love of the Filipino people of the 7641 islands of our country. There are more than ten million Filipino migrants living in almost one hundred countries around the world. They are united with us this morning".

    After briefly outlining the history of evangelization in his country, which led the Philippine Church to be the third Church in the world by number of faithful, Card. Tagle added: "Because of God’s mysterious plan, the gift of faith that has been given to us is now shared by millions of Filipino Christian migrants in different parts of the world. We left our families, not to abandon them, but to take care of them and their future. For their sake, we endure the pain of separation. When the moments of solitude arrive, we Filipino migrants find strength in Jesus who travels with us, Jesus who made himself a child (Santo Nino) and made himself known as the Nazarene (Nazarene Jesus), who carried the Cross for us". At a certain point, speaking of the loneliness lived in the faith by many migrants, Card. Tagle was moved.

    "We pray - he concluded - that through our Filipino migrants, the name of Jesus, the beauty of the Church and the justice, mercy and joy of God, they may reach the ends of the earth. Here in Rome, when we miss our grandparents, we know we have a Lolo Kiko-Grandfather Francesco (Taggalo, Filipino language). Salamat-Many thanks! Mabuhay-Long live the Holy Father!"

    500 years and don’t hear it!
    The strength of faith remains alive
    after five centuries of evangelization.
    The Philippines, the only Asian country in
    majority Catholic, celebrates his fidelity to the Gospel.
    Our best wishes and our prayers dear Sisters!


    Read 215 times Last modified on Tuesday, 03 August 2021 17:12

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