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    Tuesday, 03 August 2021 17:19


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    The pandemic of covid 19, led the Catholic Church to evangelize and continue its pastoral mission, through the use of digital technologies.

    Today the circumstances have made habitual the telework, the various attentions required by daily life and the online classes. In these circumstances, rather exhausting, it seems necessary to have a break.


    How do children and adolescents live today, their families, teachers and staff of a Catholic Schools, the celebration of the coming of the Holy Spirit in the midst of the prolonged confinement imposed by the health authorities of the country?

    We present through small brushstrokes, the dynamic and creative celebration of the Pentecost Vigil of the Educational Community of the Liceo Madre Cecilia Lazzeri in Santiago, Chile. The so important feast of Pentecost, in which the Holy Spirit summons everyone to receive the gifts that enlighten and strengthen life, opens the door to enthusiasm, to creativity to live it online, but at the same time it becomes a great challenge:

    to motivate the 28 classes of the High School, most of which are composed of 45 pupils, boys and girls, from the nursery school to the 5 class of high school;

    unify the criteria among the members of the Educational Pastoral;

    call on teachers, religious, families and especially teachers to work in communion and in coordination with the responsible.

    The sisters of the religious community who provide their services in the work of the Liceo Madre Cecilia Lazzeri, prepare the different liturgical moments and intervene in the celebration, ensuring diversity, dynamism, enthusiasm and joy according to the gifts of each. As the biblical account indicates, the various groups are present: Chileans, Venezuelans, Peruvians, Cameroonians, Mexicans, Colombians, Italians.

    The 45-minute celebrations are organized according to the schedules, facilitating the meeting with children and young people, in a different environment of the daily class, offering joy and rest, as if it were a BREAK IN THE SPIRIT. It is transmitted simultaneously to the various classes at the same time, animated by dynamics, songs, prayer, reflection, signs of the "fire" and the gifts of the Holy Spirit that subsist joy, relax and make us understand and wait with more anxiety for the interpersonal encounter.

    The pastoral groups deepen the themes, through the songs and dances, reinforced by the simple and assertive reflection of Father Luis Miguel Mori Añazco ofm.

    The utilitarian world would say today, what is the use of so much effort, commitment and enthusiasm of the members of the High School, especially the sisters?

    In this society that moves away from God and is built without Him, losing the meaning of life, the celebration of the Holy Spirit, is an appeal to rediscover the identity of the believer, to recognize oneself as a son of God, to open oneself to his call. During the pandemic, a Catholic school, seeks to recognize the step and presence of God in what each one is, in what one has, in the family, in what one is willing to give. Today the announcement is not in the streets, but inside, of each of us and of the houses.

    Today, witnessing to God is knowing how to listen to the other, the one who shares the same roof and the Eucharist. To celebrate Pentecost means to come out of oneself to be known by others, to be silent in order to listen with the heart, parents and children. Listening is the way to understanding, encounter, reconciliation and love. In these little things of every day, animated by the Love of God, unity is achieved in the family and we are projected towards society.

    The power of the Holy Spirit always strengthens, but especially in these times of fear; we all need it so much!

    The Word of God illuminates the human and Christian journey of the staff of the Lyceum through the Gospel of Saint John 20:19-23

    "At the sunset of that day, on the first day of the week, and having closed the doors of the place where the disciples were, for fear of the Jews, Jesus came and stood among them, and said, "Peace be with you." When he had said this, he shewed them his hands and his side. Then the disciples rejoiced to see the Lord. Jesus also said to you, "Peace be with you; as the Father has sent me, so I also send you." Saying this, he breathed upon them and said to them: "Receive the Holy Spirit. "To those who forgive sins, these are forgiven; to those who withhold sins, these are withheld".


    The Word and fraternal sharing warms the human heart, permeating it with love and forgiveness, peace and hope, those that only Crucified and Risen Jesus can give. With these certainties the Gift of the Spirit that we implore today is being delineated: FORTITUDE, strength for the soul not only in the dramatic moments of today, but also in the usual conditions of difficulty, in the struggle to be consistent in the journey of truth and the grace of a God who saves us every day.

    THE REST LIVED IN THE HOLY SPIRIT injects energy and grace to do daily work, a way that leads to Eternal Life.

    Read 184 times Last modified on Tuesday, 03 August 2021 17:21

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