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    Thursday, 19 August 2021 21:29


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    On July 13, 2021, the General Chapter of the Friars Minor elected Fr. Massimo Fusarelli, OFM General Minister for the six-month period 2021-2027, 121st successor of Saint Francis.

    Br. Massimo was born in Rome on 30 March 1963, professed his solemn vows on 8 January 1989 and received priestly ordination on 30 September 1989.

    After the institutional course at Antonianum, he obtained a Licentiate in Patristic Sciences at Augustinianum in Rome.

    He was the animator of youth ministry and then of permanent formation, Secretary General of Formation and Studies from 2003 to 2009.

    On 2 July 2020 he was elected Provincial Minister of the Province of San Bonaventura of the Friars Minor of Lazio and Abruzzo.

    Let us feel Br. Massimo very close to our Congregation, in fraternal spiritual communion.

    He animated some of our formation and renewal courses for our sisters in the Generalate and also the Provincial Chapter of the Province "St. Elizabeth" in Cyprus.

    We rejoice for his election, as well expressed by the Superior General, Sr Paola Dotto, in the letter sent on July 14 last.

    lettera m paola dotto

    Rome, 14 -07 2021 P. Massimo Fusarelli
    Minister General OFM

    Dear Fr. Massimo,

    The Holy Spirit, through your brothers, has rested on you, choosing you as a guide for the great Franciscan Family.
    As we congratulate you, we wish to assure the prayer of all the sisters of our Congregation of Franciscan Missionaries of the Sacred Heart.
    May our Seraphic Father Saint Francis and our Saint Clare intercede for you from the Lord His Spirit of Wisdom, Strength, Peace and Joy to "walk" in your service in "His Ways", pointing out to all the beauty of the Franciscan vocation, with the human and evangelical values that must characterize us especially in our own time.
    Feel accompanied by our spiritual communion with so much affection, esteem and gratitude.

    Sister Paola Dotto
    Superior general and sisters all FMSC

    lettera fr Massimo Fusarelli

    Dearest Sr. Paola,

    May the Lord give you peace!
    I would like to express my heartfelt thanks for the letter of good wishes that you kindly sent me following my election as Minister General of the Order of Friars Minor. I realize that such an election means putting myself at the service of others, following the example of Jesus, who began to wash the feet of his disciples (cf. Jn 13:1-15).
    I warmly thank you for your unconditional spiritual support through prayer and your fraternal closeness. I invoke upon you, the sisters of the General Council and all the Missionary Sisters of the Sacred Heart, the Lord’s blessing.

    With great esteem and gratitude
    Br. Massimo Fusarelli, OFM
    Minister General and Servant


    Read 176 times Last modified on Thursday, 19 August 2021 21:31

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