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    Provincial House - Mount Sr Francis Community - NY

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    Franciscan Sisters

    Mount Sr Francis Community

    250 South Street
    Peekskill, NY 10566 4419 - USA

    Tel. 001 914 737 3373
    Tel. 001 914 737 3374
    Tel. 001 914 737 7636 infirmary
    Tel. 001 914 737 4244 Villa St. Francis

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    Provincial Superior - Franciscan Sisters

    250 South Street
    Peekskill, NY 10566 4419 - USA

    Tel. 001 914 737 5409
    Fax: 001 914 736 9614
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    Secretary Tel. 001 914 737 3373
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    Treasurer Tel 001 914 737 3537
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    Letto 3143 volte
    Altro in questa categoria: St John’s Convent - NJ »

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